Thursday, February 19, 2009

Enable Hotmail Pop3 In All Countries

Microsoft has announced a change to the Hotmail email provider service that they offer. The feature to access Hotmail accounts using a POP3 connection will be gradually enabled for all Hotmail accounts. Gradually meaning that only users from some countries like Germany, Italy or the United Kingdom are currently able to connect to Hotmail via POP3 while others have to wait until Microsoft enables POP3 access for their countries as well.

There his however a simple method to enable POP3 access in Hotmail right away independently from where you are accessing Hotmail. Microsoft is checking the location stored in the Hotmail account to determine if a account should have POP3 access. All that needs to be done to enable both POP3 is therefor to change that location in the Hotmail account profile.

To do that select More Options by hovering the mouse over Options in Hotmail. Select View and edit your personal information in Manage your account and click on Registered Information. Information about the location should appear. Edit those information so that they are in a country that currently supports Hotmail POP3. You can later change it back if POP3 support is added for your country as well.

One easy way to find an address is to search for hotels in London using a search engine and copy their information into Hotmail. Make sure you change the postal code, timezone and country in the menu. You can for instance use that postal code for London: SW1V 4BN

Now that you have enabled POP3 access you need to configure your email client to access Hotmail this way.

Incoming Server:
Incoming Port: 995
SSL Encryption: yes

Outgoing Server:
outgoing port: 25
Authentication: yes
TLS Or SSL: yes

The username and password are the same that are used to log into the Hotmail site.



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